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You're invited to our jobs fair!

22 February 2019

Career and apprenticeships jobs fair.

Do you have an interest in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) subjects? Are you thinking about your career options? Or maybe you’re still undecided about what to study?
Come along to our career and apprenticeships jobs fair at our City of Newport campus on Wednesday 6 March, 5 – 7.30pm.
To mark national careers week and national apprenticeship week, we’re holding a free jobs fair where you can:

  • Speak to local employers about apprenticeships or potential jobs
  • Get hands on experience of the industry with ‘Have a Go’ equipment
  • Gain advice on what skills and qualifications to study to secure employment in a STEM industry

How do I register?
Taking the form of an open evening, you can attend between 5-7.30pm. To register visit our dedicated events page on .We also accept walk-ins on the evening.

We look forward to seeing you there!